Tuesday, December 18, 2012

First Half of New New Media

I found the trends of new new medias to be very interesting.  The author often gave the reader tidbits of his own personal use of the technologies as well.  This got me to thinking about my own history with new new media. 

I graduated from a high school in 2003, so my earliest memories of the internet are from high school. I may have used it in 8th grade but I just can’t remember.  In homeroom we had a lesson on how to conduct searches.  You couldn't just type in what you wanted to search for; you had to use quotation marks and the words “and” and “or” between words. We have definitely moved away from that now. 

My use in high school was for limited research and instant messaging.  My parents wanted me to stay out of chat rooms, but I was allowed to talk to friends using Yahoo Instant Messenger and ICQ.  Not many of my friends used this, but my boyfriend and I were on ICQ all the time.  Also, none of us had cell phones at this time.

When I graduated and went to college my father gave me a laptop, but it never occurred to me to get a cell phone.  I came to Fairleigh Dickinson University as a freshman and EVERYONE had a cell phone! I used to give my new best friend’s number out so that people could reach me!  I also built a MySpace page. I really enjoyed MySpace.  The customization options were vast; I even learned a little bit about coding so that I could make my MySpace very unique.  LiveJournal was also popular at that time too. I started one but lost interest in it very quickly.  My friends were using it like a journal or diary.  I had never been interested in diary keeping as a girl, so I didn't keep the blog for long.

As soon as Facebook was available my best friend and I joined up.  We were some of the first people at FDU to have a Facebook profile.  I also started using AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), since that was the chat program everyone else was using.

Ten years later. I no longer keep my MySpace active, but I am sure it’s still there, waiting for me to sign in.  I am still very active on Facebook.  I use it to keep in touch with high school friends, family, and now old college friends as well.  I used to play games on Facebook, but have since moved to playing them directly off the Zynga website.  It took awhile, but I eventually joined Twitter. I don’t use it much, but once I start blogging next semester I will use it to promote my blog.  I also don’t use AIM anymore.  I still have it downloaded on my computer, but no one is signed on anymore.  I use my smart phone to text, send FB messages, and a couple friends and I use Google Talk.

When Google + was first released it was on a limited basis.  A friend who works in the industry invited me to join. It was pretty neat to be among the first to have a Google + account.  I don’t use it much, but I may have to change that.  I use Google Docs, I also have a Yahoo account so that I can use the Yahoo Group function.

It didn't even occur to me how much of new new media I even use until I started writing this. I almost forgot, I have a LinkedIn account too! I find myself riding the same social media wave as everyone else.  I don’t know how we keep up with all of this.  In today’s world, to be successful you really need to be proficient in multitasking!

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