Sunday, December 9, 2012

New New Media chapter 6-10

So many advances have been made to the way people interact on the Internet.  We went from using the computer basically as a calculator  with web 1.0 to the bomb that is web 2.0. After web 2.0 the Internet became another place.
Blogging is so "in" right now and it seems that everyone is blogging. writing has been a major part of communication for humans since the stone age when gave men drew pictures on the walls to express themselves or tell a story. writing gives control of the message a sender wants to deliver, this is why texting has become more popular then speaking on a cell phone. More people under 45 are texting more then actually talking on a phone for many reasons. one, it eliminates awkward silences that may occur, two, it allows you to send a message with out necessarily displaying your actual feelings at that point and time. Well unless you decide to use all caps, that's when the other person receiving your texts knows your yelling! HA! Texting also allows more time to think of something to say in response to another persons text, etc. I can go on and on the benefits of texting vs speaking on the phone.

Back to blogging; "Blogging takes dissemination of news and opinion one big step beyond telegraph because it allows the reporter to file stories instantly." (New New Media pg82)
A post to a blog can be published immediately and be viewable to the entire Internet community. One of the main reason blogging is so popular is because it can be about anything. A lot of times people just want to share their thoughts about fashion, politics, reviews and what ever else their heart desires. Blogging is a perfect medium for just that. Anyone no matter their title or education level can create a blog and share their views opinion etc about anything to the entire Internet community.

In the book New New Media foursquare is discussed. Personally I don't like it and i think that whole check in business can be very dangerous. I feel like it can easily make someone a target for stalking. Why not tell the weirdo admirer you may have exactly where you are and what you are doing? Twitter and facebook as a option to turn the location setting on but I keep those things off. I just think privacy is important and people don't need to know my every move. Bullying is talk about to. Bullying years ago was never really looks at to be serious but in all actuality it is. The effects of bullying can be detrimental to persons being bullied. Cyberspace when used negativity can be a tool used to reek havoc on the lives of Innocent people who didn't do anything wrong to deserve being harassed online. Bullying Flaming and trolling are forms of bullying. These mischievous people look to invoke anger in people. These kind of people can make trips to the web a horrible experience.

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